Sunday, May 17, 2009

before the rains, 6

we only met at the park, you know, weekday mornings, weekend afternoons, or sometimes at shambhu’s shack, getting our stock of late night cigarette’s. me, two packs of charms and he, a pack of benson and hedges. lights.
i am sure he didn’t read me right. because a while after calling me good boy, he leans to my side of the bench and says

i want you to tell her for me.

even if you don’t actually tell her. i want you to.

better you, on your royal enfield, beautiful, jobless, wild, young, every girl’s dream, and reckless like

a cloud who loses his way

than someone like me who does not

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I landed on this blog thru Twitter Garima Dutt who has just read your poems. I am so happy to have read your "Before the rainas"..all of it.It creates a nostalgia in the psyche.. don't know why..Congratulations. Keep it up and I am following you. cheers kunjubi